RE: Letter of Understanding #13 process

Dear KFA members,

In the round of bargaining recently concluded, the parties agreed to Letter Of Understanding #13, a Joint Committee on Class Size Past Practice (see attached). The mandate of the committee is to discuss, review, and adjust class size for classes with registration limits lower than thirty-five as set by past practice.

What does this mean for you?

If your area has courses with registration limits lower than thirty-five students that are not otherwise specified in Article 12.04 Workloads, those limits will be reviewed. Your area will need to provide the reasons for the current registration limits. LOU#13 specifies the factors to be considered, including

  • Safety
  • Pedagogy
  • Professional body requirements
  • Number of practicum placements available
  • Physical space and equipment limitations
  • Sustainability of programs (may include enrollment related information, financial viability, labour market demand, relationship to institutional mission, availability of qualified faculty and delivery mode)
  • Other factors as jointly agreed

What are the next steps?

The KFA will

  • provide an overview of this matter at the KFA GM on October 21
  • survey faculty on class size and composition
  • contact your area for consultation regarding the affected courses
  • ask each area to identify a representative of affected faculty as a point person for these discussions, if required
  • meet with affected chairs, coordinators, and faculty council chairs
  • work with point people from affected areas to articulate the rationale for current class sizes
  • update you regularly on this process as it unfolds

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Letter of Understanding #13, 2019-2022 KFA-KPU Collective Agreement


In solidarity,

KFA LOU#13 Committee Members:

Gillian Dearle

Raphael Lagoutin

Diane Walsh

Romy Kozak

Mark Diotte

