Privatizing Post-Secondary: Who said they could do this?

Circulated on Behalf of Vancouver Community College Faculty Association


Privatizing Post-Secondary: Who said they could do this?

March 1, 2022 10:00 am-12:00 pm (via zoom)

You are invited to attend a morning of conversations about funding in BC Post-Secondary including presentations from:

Dale McCartney

Dale McCartney is Assistant Professor of University Studies at the University of the Fraser Valley. His scholarly research examines the history of international students in Canada.

Dale’s talk will examine the introduction of differential fees for international students at BC Post-Secondary institutions. Entitled 111The university needs funds, because there is not enough’: International students and the marketization of BC postsecondary education,” the presentation explores the policy context that led BC institutions to create a differential fee system for international undergraduate students, and then examines how those fees have reshaped the institutions since.


Alex Hemingway

Alex Hemingway is a Senior Economist and Public Finance Policy Analyst at the CCPA’s BC Office. His research focuses on tax fairness, public finances, public services, and economic inequality in BC and Canada. Alex will explore problems with the overall environment of “fiscal restraint” in BC and the damage done by chronic underinvestment in public services and the long-running decline of the public funding share in PSE institutions.


Jen Wrye

President of the North Island College Faculty Association, Jen will bring the unique perspective of rural colleges to the Post-Secondary funding conversation.


Frank Cosco

Chief Bargainer for the Vancouver Community College Faculty Association, Frank will discuss the Privatizing of Post-Secondary in terms of VCC’s particular context, both historically, and at present.

Students Union of Vancouver Community College


SUVCC will discuss the effects of the funding crisis on students and the student experience.


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