Seasons Greetings and KFA Office Holiday Closure

Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,

Season’s Greetings! We hope this message finds you and yours safe and well.

At the close of 2024, we would like to thank you for your exemplary dedication to our students and the KPU community.

We also wish to thank all of our colleagues, especially those on the Executive and other KFA committees, who volunteer on behalf of the association and our membership all year long as well as our support staff, Kyla Meermann and Amy Nagi, who do extraordinary work to support the KFA Executive and membership.

As always, if you are interested in volunteering for a position or in becoming involved with the KFA, you are very welcome to reach out.

Please Note

The KFA office is closed as of Wednesday, December 18th, and will reopen on Monday, January 6th. If you require urgent assistance during this closure, please email any of the Table Officers. We will be checking email intermittently over the holidays.

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a restorative break,


Your KFA Table Officers


Mark Diotte, KFA President

Diane Walsh, VP Grievances

Marc Kampschuur, VP Negotiations

Rachelle Hollaway, Member-at-Large

Ann-Marie McLellan, Member-at-Large

Jaisun Garcha, Secretary Treasurer

Launch of NR1 Faculty Health & Benefits Process

Dear KFA NR1 Faculty Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Health & Benefits process for Non-Regular Type 1 (NR1) faculty. This achievement was secured during the last round of collective bargaining and represents a step forward in supporting our Non-Regular Type 1 members.

The development and agreement on what the process would look like took much longer than anticipated, causing a delay in the launch. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Your patience and understanding during this period have been greatly appreciated.

Please refer to the KFA NR1 Health and Benefits Process for instructions on how to access the fund.

Key Highlights:

  • Annual Fund: $30,000 annually to reimburse eligible extended health and dental expenses.
  • First-Come, First-Serve: The fund operates on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Rollover: Unspent funds at the end of the fiscal year will carry forward to the next year.

We are excited about this new provision and confident it will provide some modest support to our NR1 faculty members. As mentioned, detailed procedures and eligibility criteria are outlined in the attached document.

Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me directly, or, if the matter involves sensitive information, please use

In Solidarity,

Mark Diotte

KFA Blog Post on Policy AC16 Academic Title Awards

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Please see the below calls to action and message the KFA Table Officers posted on the blog for Policy AC16 Academic Title Awards this morning.

Our calls to action are not an objection to title at KPU but rather centered around the need for any system of title to involve a consultation process driven by entirely by faculty, the need for any system of title to be for faculty and within the control of faculty,  and the need to bring any system of academic to the bargaining table.

Here is the message posted to the blog:

The KFA has now heard from several hundred faculty members on the subject of academic title. The overriding message we have heard is one of concern that academic title may lead to differential treatment and working conditions, that academic title is properly the subject of bargaining, and that proposed Policy AC 16 Academic Title Awards is problematic in many ways.

Outlined below are several calls to action followed by some historical context and critique of the Policy.

Calls to Action

  • The KFA calls on KPU Administration and the KPU Policy developer/proponent to immediately withdraw the proposed Policy AC16 Academic Title Awards on the basis that the Policy affects the working conditions of KFA faculty members, and that it is properly the subject of bargaining.
  • The KFA calls on all KFA faculty members to bring motions to their Departments and Faculty Councils advocating for the withdrawal of Policy AC16 Academic Title Awards on the basis that the Policy affects the working conditions of KFA faculty members, and that it is properly the subject of bargaining.
  • We further call on KFA members to communicate these motions to the policy proponent for policy to be withdrawn so that the matter can be brought to the bargaining table.
  • We call on KFA members to participate in the upcoming KFA survey on academic title. In consultation with faculty experts, the KFA is developing a survey to gather the views of faculty on this key issue (we will be requesting the assistance of key individuals to assist in question development).

Historical Context & Critique

What Position has KFA taken on Title? 

Simply put, the KFA has historically taken forward the faculty position on academic title. In particular, based on the recommendations of TFARA and Letter of Understanding #20: Joint Committee on Academic Title, the KFA has pursued the title of professor at the bargaining table since 2013. The Employer has declined to agree to KFA proposals despite the fact that these proposals were jointly agreed to by the LOU #20 Joint KPU-KFA Committee.

In the most recent round of bargaining, the KFA proposed

(h) Title

Post-probationary Regular instructional faculty may use the position title of “Professor.”

Non-Regular and probationary Regular instructional faculty may use the position title of “Instructor.”

Toward the end of the round, the Parties moved closer to agreement on a proposal for academic title, but the long 18-month duration of the bargaining round ended up curtailing discussions.

Whose Process is this Anyway? Policy AC 16 & the Task Force on Academic Rank and Advancement (TFARA)

Fundamentally, Policy AC16 process represents an affront to many of the long-held values of faculty members. In particular, the proposed Policy runs counter to the primary role faculty ought to play in governance at KPU, and to the faculty-centered approach credible post-secondary institutions take in developing and implementing a system of title. Further, credible title-granting institutions in the post-secondary sector properly negotiate systems of title at the bargaining table.

Perhaps this sentiment is best summed up by the June 24th 2013 Task Force on Academic Rank and Advancement (TFARA)—a sentiment that seems to continue to be of concern today: “Changes in senior administration have been marked by differing leadership visions” (10).

In 2010 a decision was made to create the Task Force on Academic Rank and Advancement—a task force created by senate for a faculty-driven process. Indeed “Senate determined the Task Force would be exclusively composed of Kwantlen faculty – each of Kwantlen’s eight existing Faculty Councils was to designate two faculty representatives. In addition, two representatives from faculty without a Faculty were to be identified, resulting in a Task Force composed of 18 members” (4).

It is perhaps unsurprising that the current group of senior administrators have decided to launch an administratively-driven process with KPU administrators seemingly some of the direct beneficiaries of the Policy. Under the proposed Policy, administrators hold the power to bestow title including upon administrators. Would a Provost be tempted to override the AC 16 committee in order bestow title to their colleagues? Would administrators on the AC16 committee be willing to decline their fellow colleagues and supervisors the gift of title? Would faculty members on the AC 16 committee feel free to maintain rigorous standards in the face of administrative pressure to grant title to other administrators who have an employment relationship with faculty? Would faculty members remain willing to participate in university governance processes and critique university administrative processes at the risk of being declined a title?

The KFA advocates for a faculty driven process, and if a system of title is desired by faculty, then such a process should be controlled entirely by faculty.

Should the Employer fail to respond to requests to withdraw the Policy and bring the issue to bargaining, the KFA may have no alternative but to file a grievance in order to meet our obligations under the BC Labour Relations Code. Such a grievance, if necessary, is not a stance taken against the concept of title at KPU, but rather an objection to the imposition of title via Policy AC16. 

What has Changed?

It is important to recall that the TFARA did not “uncover[] evidence linking differences in ARA systems with differences in the capacities of institutions to achieve mission, mandate and vision. Individual Task Force members have expressed differing opinions on the pros and cons of ARA alternatives; however, all feel that the determination of what is best for Kwantlen – be it the present system or an alternative – would need to be determined using appropriate processes” (3)

Has evidence since been produced linking the current KPU system to the inability of KPU to achieve mission, mandate and vision? Is there evidence from the time when KPU faculty could freely use the title “professor,” that this system was detrimental to faculty members or KPU’s mission, mandate, and vision in any way?

In other words, what is the purpose of Policy AC16? We are being asked to recognize that the lack of an academic title is linked to barriers to grant applications, research opportunities, conference opportunities, and student supervision opportunities. If this were the case, the objective would be to create a single title, based on merit, to address these challenges that are faced by faculty. The KFA presented such a proposal at the bargaining table. Rather than such a straight-forward system, we have been presented with a vertical hierarchy of title—one which is administratively driven and controlled—with no articulated purpose attached to the hierarchy.

Another key element of the TFARA quotation above is the concern over appropriateness of process. The TFARA was primarily concerned that any system of title be developed with the involvement of the Kwantlen Faculty Association in bargaining:

“The Task Force believes that any ARA framework recommendations – be it the present system or an alternative – must arise from discussions involving the Kwantlen Faculty Association [KFA] and representatives from University administration” (3)

“Many Task Force members are concerned that recommendations brought forward within a Senate-based process could result in alternative working conditions being determined outside of collective bargaining” (3)

“Should conditions at some point warrant further investigation of ARA alternatives, we affirm that such investigation should occur within a collective bargaining framework” (10)

Given that eleven years have passed since the TFARA, that KPU faculty members were previously free to use the title “professor,” and that both Parties have tabled proposals in bargaining but have not yet reached agreement, why is there a sudden rush to impose title through Policy AC16. Instead of a front-loaded consultation process leading to the bargaining table, why was the AC16 Policy launched in the last weeks of August with the second three-week consultation phase running into both the busiest teaching time of the year as well as the lead in to the holiday break?

What did TFARA Recommend

It is interesting to recall the overall TFARA comment about their recommendations

The Task Force believes that any ARA framework recommendations – be it the present system or an alternative – must arise from discussions involving the Kwantlen Faculty Association [KFA] and representatives from University administration. The timing of these discussions should be consistent with [a] a period of tenure stability in senior administrative leadership combined with clear articulation of leadership vision, and [b] faculty-led interest in ARA discussions independent of University management. To be fruitful, such discussions must be founded on commitment to common objectives and the existence of trust. (3)

Again, values have changed. Rather than build upon “common objectives” and the “existence of trust,” KPU senior administrators seem to have bypassed faculty-led interest, bypassed a clear articulation of leadership vision, ignored the lack of administrative stability in relation to the pending arrival of a new KPU President, and embarked upon an administrative-driven process, a process designed to benefit administrators, a flawed consultation, and a bypassing of KFA members’ bargaining rights.

In order to address the above concerns, we return to our calls to action:

  • The KFA calls on KPU Administration and the KPU Policy developer/proponent to immediately withdraw the proposed Policy AC16 Academic Title Awards on the basis that the Policy affects the working conditions of KFA faculty members, and that it is properly the subject of bargaining.
  • The KFA calls on all KFA faculty members to bring motions to their Departments and Faculty Councils advocating for the withdrawal of Policy AC16 Academic Title Awards on the basis that the Policy affects the working conditions of KFA faculty members, and that it is properly the subject of bargaining.
  • We further call on KFA members to communicate these motions to the policy proponent for policy to be withdrawn so that the matter can be brought to the bargaining table.

We call on KFA members to participate in the upcoming KFA survey on academic title. In consultation with faculty experts, the KFA is developing a survey to gather the views of faculty on this key issue (we will be requesting the assistance of key individuals to assist in question development).


In solidarity,

Mark Diotte

December 6 Memorial

Good Day, 

Please join us on December 6 to come together and remember the fourteen women whose lives were taken at École Polytechnique in 1989. 


12:00 pm to 12:30 pm 

Cedar Courtyard, Surrey Campus

Reception to follow


Cherylynn Bassani

Status of Women Representative, KFA 

in conjunction with the KSA

Last Call for Nominations for 2024 KFA Elections

Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,

In accordance with Article 7 of our Constitution and By-Laws, this is the last call for nominations for the following positions on the KFA Executive Committee and Working Conditions Committee (WCC):

  • Faculty of Trades & Technology Representative (until end of term, May 31, 2025)
  • Qualifying Studies & Access Representative (until end of term, May 31, 2025)
  • WCC Non-Regular Faculty Representative

Please see the attached document titled “Responsibilities of an Executive Committee Member” and By-law 4.2 for information about these roles. Please also see the new KFA Conflict of Interest policy.

Nomination Period – November 12 to December 2, 2024
The nomination period runs from November 12 to December 2, at noon. Nomination forms are to be sent to the Chief Returning Officer (C.R.O.), Marc Kampschuur. Three calls for nominations will be made during this time period. In the event that the call for nominations results in only one nomination being received by the close of the nomination period, the nominee shall be acclaimed at the General Meeting on December 3, 2024. If there is more than one nominee, an online election will be held.

There have been no nominations received to date. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can find more information about the election process on our website.

Marc Kampschuur, Vice-President, Negotiations

Officer Responsible for the Election

Notice of Amendments to the KFA Constitution and By-Laws

Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,

In accordance with By-Law 4.4.1, this is notice of changes for By-Law #7.8.1, and Policy #20:


7.8.1 Newly elected Table Officers will ordinarily take office on May September 1st, except in the event of replacement appointments. The President shall coordinate the transition process between incoming and outgoing Table Officers to allow for equitable access to vacation and professional development. When there is a newly-elected Table Officer any decision-making abilities of the out-going Table Officer are converted into consensus-based decisions of the Table Officers.

7.8.2 Vacation and PD allotments for the period spent as a KFA Table Officer shall not be funded as additional release by the KFA beyond the end of an elected term.

7.8.3 All vacation and PD allotments shall be taken or assumed to have been taken by the end of a Table Officer’s elected term.

7.8.4 Newly elected Area Representatives, Committee Representatives and Ombudsperson will ordinarily take office on June 1st, allowing a transition period with the outgoing.


For information:


Guidelines to Collect Strike Pay:

Faculty members covered by this Agreement shall have the right to refuse to cross a legal picket line arising out of a strike as defined in the Labour Relations Code of B.C. or in the Canada Labour Code.

KFA members who experience a financial loss as a result of a lockout by the Employer, or from the refusal to cross a legal picket line at KPU arising out a strike as defined in the Labour Relations Code of B.C. or in the Canada Labour Code, may collect one day of strike pay for each picket duty shift they complete to a maximum of 5 shifts per week. A picket duty shift may include job-action related duties such as mailings, phone calls, picket-making, strike-pay distribution, and so forth. It is the responsibility of the member to sign in and out with the picket captain. If a member is unable to participate in picket duty, she or he they can contribute in other ways. Please contact your picket captain if this applies to you.

MOTION: To approve the changes to By-Law #7.8.1, and Policy #20, as recommended by the Executive.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Marc Kampschuur, Vice-President,

Officer Responsible for the Election

Hold the Date for the KFA GM – 3:00-6:00 pm on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Please join us:

KFA General Membership Meeting

Tuesday, December 3, 2024
3:00 – 6:00 pm
Zoom Meeting

On the Agenda:

Bargaining Update

2024 Elections and Acclamations

Changes to Constitution and By-Laws

KFA 2023-24 Audited Financial Statements

Second Call for Nominations for 2024 KFA Elections

Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,

In accordance with Article 7 of our Constitution and By-Laws, this is the second call for nominations for the following positions on the KFA Executive Committee and Working Conditions Committee (WCC):

  • Faculty of Trades & Technology Representative (until end of term, May 31, 2025)
  • Qualifying Studies & Access Representative (until end of term, May 31, 2025)
  • WCC Non-Regular Faculty Representative

Please see the attached document titled “Responsibilities of an Executive Committee Member” and By-law 4.2 for information about these roles. Please also see the KFA Conflict of Interest policy.

Nomination Period – November 12 to December 2, 2024
The nomination period runs from November 12 to December 2, at noon. Nomination forms are to be sent to the Chief Returning Officer (C.R.O.), Marc Kampschuur. Three calls for nominations will be made during this time period. In the event that the call for nominations results in only one nomination being received by the close of the nomination period, the nominee shall be acclaimed at the General Meeting on December 3, 2024. If there is more than one nominee, an online election will be held.

There have been no nominations received to date. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can find more information about the election process on our website.

Marc Kampschuur, Vice-President, Negotiations

Officer Responsible for the Election

First Call for Nominations for 2024 KFA Elections

Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,

In accordance with Article 7 of our Constitution and By-Laws, this is the first call for nominations for the following positions on the KFA Executive Committee and KFA Working Conditions Committee (WCC):

  • Faculty of Trades & Technology Representative (until end of term, May 31, 2025)
  • Qualifying Studies & Access Representative (until end of term, May 31, 2025)
  • WCC Non-Regular Faculty Representative

Please see the attached document titled “Responsibilities of an Executive Committee Member” and By-law 4.2 for information about these roles. Please also see the new KFA Conflict of Interest policy

Nomination Period – November 12 to December 2, 2024
The nomination period runs from November 12 to December 2, at noon. Nomination forms are to be sent to the Chief Returning Officer (C.R.O.), Marc Kampschuur. Three calls for nominations will be made during this time period. In the event that the call for nominations results in only one nomination being received by the close of the nomination period, the nominee shall be acclaimed at the General Meeting on December 3, 2024. If there is more than one nominee, an online election will be held.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can find more information about the election process on our website.

Marc Kampschuur, Vice-President, Negotiations

Officer Responsible for the Election

Indigenous Perspectives on the UN Genocide Convention: Panel Discussion on November 4, 2024

Dear KPU Colleagues,

As many of you are likely aware, the issue of ‘genocide’ has remained in the public discourse over the past year. The Kwantlen Faculty Association’s (KFAs) Anti-Racism Working Group has been actively discussing how we might provide some helpful resources for members to approach this difficult topic.  

Our group took up the suggestion that we invite speakers who might help us to better understand the United Nations Convention on Genocide, from Indigenous perspectives.

We are now pleased to announce that Indigenous legal scholar and author Tamara Starblanket; and TRU law professor Nicole Schabus will both join us for a moderated evening discussion on Nov.4th: “Indigenous Perspectives on the UN Genocide Convention.”  

This in-person panel discussion will be at KPU Richmond (Wilson School/WSD Room 4900) and simultaneously online (as a zoom webinar: on Monday, November 4th, 2024 from 6:30-8:30pm PT.  No RSVPs or registrations are necessary, so please mark it in your calendars. The KFAs Seema Ahluwalia (SOCI) and Jeffrey Meyers (CRIM) have both kindly agreed to moderate the evening discussion in Richmond.  

Thank you to our invited speakers, moderators, and to the KFAs Dr. Carlos Sandoval and Dr. Fabricio Telo for organizing this event and to the KFA Executive for their generous support (along with several KPU departments that have endorsed this event). We would now like to encourage you to spread the word by inviting colleagues and students to join us in person or online. Please feel free to share the attached promotional materials widely. Thanks !

In Gratitude & Solidarity,

~david sadoway (on behalf of the KFA’s Anti-Racism Working Group)