New Members
Welcome to the Kwantlen Faculty Association (KFA)! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
You can also come say hello at one of our Online Office Hours. Our schedule is available on our events calendar.
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is a unionized work environment which means that all faculty members, including librarians, counsellors, and learning strategists, are automatically members of the Kwantlen Faculty Association. Representing around 1100 faculty members, the KFA works hard to protect your rights, keep you informed, answer questions about your employment, represent you in administrative processes, and negotiate improvements to your collective agreement.
The purposes of the Kwantlen Faculty Association are enshrined in our constitution:
Protect the welfare, professional interests, and working conditions of its members;
Assist in protecting and enhancing the freedom and quality of teaching, thought, and enquiry within the University;
Cooperate with other bodies whose interests are similar, in particular with provincial, national and international federations, and faculty associations of colleges, university colleges, universities, and institutes;
Deal with other matters considered to be in the interests of the Associations or its members;
Regulate labour relations between Kwantlen Polytechnic University and members of the association.
For more information about the KFA, please see our “About” page.
As a new member, you may have many questions about the nuances of employment at KPU. Here are some KFA resources that may be helpful to you:
KFActs, a newsletter produced by the KFA, is an excellent resource for getting to know our collective agreement. Especially useful are the articles on regularization, vacation pay, and sick leave.
What’s the difference between an NR1 and an NR2 appointment?
Moving from Non-Regular to Regular Status: Routes to Regularization
What If I Get Sick? Sick Leave, and Short-term and Long-term Disability Leaves
The KFA regularly communicates with members. All updates and KFActs articles are emailed to our general membership and then posted under News and Issues.
Dates for our General Meetings (two per year) and other KFA events can be found on our Events Calendar.
Meet your KFA
The business of the KFA is conducted by elected representatives drawn from the membership. These elected people uphold the purposes of the Association and perform the actions necessary to ensure these purposes are upheld.
Our elected representatives are our union executive council. A list of our executive representatives and their contact information can be found here:
Please feel free to explore our website.
In Solidarity,
Your Kwantlen Faculty Association