KFA Acclamations & Elections – Voting will open Friday May 8, at 8:00 am!
Hello KFA members,
We are pleased to announce the following acclamations:
- Raphael Lagoutin has been acclaimed to the position of Vice-President, Negotiations
- Kathy Dunster has been acclaimed to the position of Science & Horticulture Representative
- Panteli Tritchew has been acclaimed to the position of Business Representative
- Gail Hills has been acclaimed to the position of Faculty of Health Representative
- Lesley Pollard has been acclaimed to the position of School of Design Representative
- Steve Weber has been acclaimed to the position of Humanities Representative
- Logan Masilamani has been acclaimed to the position of Non-Regular Faculty Representative
- Cherylynn Bassani has been acclaimed to the position of Status of Women Representative
- George Broderick has been acclaimed to the position of Education Policy Committee Representative
- Kristie Dukewich has been acclaimed to the position of Occupational Health & Safety Committee Representative
- Marc Kampschuur has been acclaimed to the position of Pension Advisory Committee Representative
As previously announced at the Annual General Meeting on April 30th, there will be elections for the positions of KFA President, Member-at-Large and Professional & Scholarly Development Committee Representative. The nominees for the position of President are Bob Davis and Gillian Dearle. The nominees for the position of Member-at-Large are Danny Tones and Betty Cunnin. The nominees for the position of Professional & Scholarly Development Committee Representative are Heather Harrison and Simon Padgett.
The election will be held on the KFA website, in the members only area. In order to cast your vote, you will need to create a KFA member profile if you do not already have one. In order to assist you with creating your KFA profile, instructions have been attached for your use, or please click on this link to view a video: https://youtu.be/XpkUS8jTFCM
The election opens Friday, May 8th at 8:00 am, and closes on Thursday, May 14th, at 11:59 pm.
Please contact our office if you have any questions or trouble accessing the ballot.
Mark Diotte