FPSE HRISC Speaker’s Tour 2022

Dear KPU Colleagues, 

The speaker-panelists have just been announced for our upcoming FPSE-HRISC Speaker’s Tour 2022, sponsored by your Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC’s (FPSE-BCs) Human Rights and International Solidarity Committee (HRISC), including KFA Local #5. As your Kwantlen Faculty Association’s HRISC representative, I am pleased to invite you and your students to our two online Speaker’s Tour 2022 panel events coming up on Reading Week, February 22 and later on March 10. Both online webinars are open to all faculty and wider publics, however, they do require advanced online registration.    


Our FPSE-HRISC Speaker’s Tour theme this year is “Human Exploitation at Home and Abroad” with online panels and a short documentary film (Kalinga/Care) focused on Migrant Workers in Canada (Feb 22, 6pm PT). On March 15th (4pm PT), the focus is on Canadian Mining-related worker and human rights issues. Here is an extract from the FPSE website and registration links for both events. NOTE: Each event requires a separate registration. 

<< FPSE’s annual Human Rights Speakers’ Tour is coming up and we’re shining a spotlight on the overlap of human rights issues at home and abroad. Join us Feb 22 for a film screening and discussion about how we can honour and recognize the labour of migrant workers. Then on March 10, we’ll have an expert panel explaining the connection between Canadian mining companies and their complicity in human rights abuses abroad.

February 22 (6pm PT) Event Panelists: Kent Donguines, Aimer Films; Maria Facundo-Lilly, Featured in Kalinga; and Fuerza Migrante. Moderated by B.C. professors and union activists David Sadoway (KPU) and Eduardo Azmitia (Capilano University). Event is free and open to all. Event details and registration here. The direct link to the Migrant Workers Panel is:

March 10 (4pm PT) Event Panelists: Catherine Nolin, Grahame Russell, Jeffrey Webber, and Merle Alexander. Moderated by B.C. professors and union activists David Sadoway (KPU) and Lisa David (Douglas College). Event details and registration here. 

The direct link to the Canadian Mining Panel is:


We have both events listed on our FPSE website here:

Please help us spread the word about these events to your networks, students and any media contacts. Feel free to share this email and/or the poster below. And if you have any questions or problems with registration for either of these events, please do not hesitate to drop me a note. 


Kind Regards,

