Let’s talk about disaster-proofing our safety net
Even before the pandemic, too many Canadians were living close to disaster.
We’ve seen what can be done when we all come together. Working together is the only way forward.
On October 28 at 2 PM, I will be moderating a webinar about the social programs that keep us all afloat.
Our panelists will talk about education, housing, child care and other programs that can level the playing field.
Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wV6_ZEX3QYykFIrb9_E3-w
In Canada we take care of each other. We need a recovery centred on workers and programs that work for the most vulnerable among us.
It’s time to correct the mistakes of the past and move forward, together.
Marie Clarke Walker, Secretary-Treasurer
Canadian Labour Congress
Standing up for workers and their families
Canadian Labour Congress/
Congrès du travail du Canada
2841 promenade Riverside Dr
Ottawa, Ontario K1V 8X7