NEW: Introducing Lobby Days!

We’d like to assume that our politicians are in office to hear directly from us. That’s true – but there are others they have to listen to. Lobbyists. People who are paid to push special interests.

So, while you and I worry about loved ones during this pandemic, paid lobbyists focus on their narrow issues.

We need elected officials to listen to us, not just powerful lobby groups. People like you deserve to get the same attention from your MP that special interest groups get.

If we want a progressive plan that puts people first in this recovery, we need the government to listen. Join our virtual lobbying week between November 2-6. Be one of thousands of people who are scheduling virtual meetings with their MPs right now.

Sign up for Lobby Days to get started!

Our demands are clear, we are asking the government to include a plan that replaces lost jobs with better ones, strengthens public health care and improves our social safety net.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sending you tools, resources and support. So if you’ve never done this before – we’ve got you covered!

Let’s do this fam!


Laurie Antonin
Digital Strategist
Canadian Labour Congress
Standing up for workers and their families

Canadian Labour Congress/
Congrès du travail du Canada

2841 promenade Riverside Dr
Ottawa, Ontario K1V 8X7
