Fair Employment Week

Hello KFA members,

October 19 – October 23 is Fair Employment Week. This is an event organized by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) which highlights the increase in and the nature of precarious work at Canadian colleges and Universities.

Likewise, the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (FPSE) Fight for Fairness campaign “opposes the casualization of academic work and advocates for the full employment and the fair treatment of all academic staff regardless of their appointment status…BC’s precarious faculty do the same work as regular faculty, and they deserve the same rights. Are you ready to join us as we fight for fairness?” For more information, please see

For Fair Employment Week 2020, the KFA Executive committee would like to invite all of you to join us at the October 19 KFA Online Open Office Hour.

Whether you are currently a Non-Regular faculty member, or you were a non-regular faculty member on your way to regularization, please join us as we share our stories about the precarity of Non-regular/Sessional work. Bring your stories and questions about our Collective Agreement for this opportunity to meet and network virtually.

Please click the link below to join the Online Open Office Hour on October 19, 2020 at 1pm:


We look forward to seeing you there.​

Gillian Dearle

Raphael Lagoutin

Diane Walsh

Mark Diotte

Betty Cunnin

Romy Kozak


