Important Update: Digitization of Personnel Files beginning October 21
Hello KFA members,
We wanted to take a moment to provide additional context to the message below sent out by KPU HR.
As is mentioned in the below email from HR, KPU will be working on the digitization of faculty personnel files.
Article 18.01 in our KPU/KFA 2019-2022 Collective Agreement speaks to the subject of faculty personnel files at KPU. The highlights of this Article include:
- Each faculty member’s ability to have access to all materials in their Personnel File, as well as any other files that include this member’s personal information, except for letters of reference and interview reports in the application file.
- When information is added to a faculty member’s file, a copy of this information is to be shared with the faculty member
- Apart from HR and appropriate administrators having routine administrative access to the personnel file, files will not be open to any other individual except with the written permission of the faculty member concerned.
- All documents of a disciplinary nature will be automatically removed from the faculty member’s personnel file after:
- 5 years for discipline that involves suspension, or an issue involving harassment, discrimination or the health and safety of students or employees, provided there has been no further infraction of that type
- 2 years for all other disciplinary matters, provided there has been no further infraction of that type.
The KFA’s ongoing advice to all members is to perform an occasional review of their personnel file to ensure that there is nothing inappropriate in their file (e.g. disciplinary letters beyond time limits in Article 18.01(d); mediation resolutions outside of the timelines in Harassment Article 23.03 (f) (v); etc.).
Should you have any questions about this, or any other aspect of your working conditions at KPU, please reach out to us here.
KFA Table Officers:
Mark Diotte
Diane Walsh
Betty Cunnin
Rachelle Hollaway
Emma Baggott
Kristie Dukewich
Raphael Lagoutin