KFA Acclamations & Elections 2021
Hello KFA members,
We are pleased to announce the following acclamations to the KFA Executive and KFA Working Conditions Committee:
- Diane Walsh to the position of Vice-President, Grievances
- Emma Baggott to the position of Secretary-Treasurer
- Rachelle Hollaway to the position of Member-at-Large
- Stephen Dockery to the position of Trades & Technology Representative
- Ann Marie Davison to the position of Disability Management & Rehabilitation Committee Representative
- David Sadoway to the position Human Rights & International Solidarity Committee Representative
- Seema Ahluwalia to the position of Decolonization, Reconciliation & Indigenization Committee Representative
- Tanya Boboricken to the position of LGBTQ2S+ Committee Representative
- Betty Cunnin to the position of Science & Horticulture Working Conditions Committee Representative
- Seema Ahluwalia to the position of Status of Women Working Conditions Committee Representative
- Kristie Dukewich to the position of Social Sciences Working Conditions Committee Representative
- Robert Dearle to the position of Humanities Working Conditions Committee Representative
- Rachelle Hollaway to the position of Business Working Conditions Committee Representative
- Diane Walsh to the position of Qualifying Studies and Access Working Conditions Committee Representative.
As previously announced at the Annual General Meeting on April 29th, there will be an election for the position of Trades/Technology Working Conditions Committee Representative.
The nominees for the position of Trades/Technology Working Conditions Committee Representative are Raphael Lagoutin and Bob Davis. Only faculty members from the Trades & Technology Faculty will be eligible to vote in this election.
Please go to: https://yourkfa.ca/about/executive-representatives/ for a full list of all current KFA Executive members. This list will be updated on June 1st, 2021 to reflect the newly acclaimed Executive members.
Please contact me with any questions.
Mark Diotte