KFA response to the recent KPU communication
The Union stands in deep opposition to the conditions the Employer is imposing for the Fall semester as conveyed to faculty and as outlined in the KPU Academic and Operational Continuity Plan.
The core issues are that there has been no meaningful consultation with faculty and the Union around the plan, and asynchronous delivery has been rendered as a non-negotiated change in working conditions.
The Union will be taking immediate action and filing a comprehensive set of grievances, including but not limited to:
Article 6 – Technological Change
Article 12.09 – Distributed Learning
Article 12.18 – Academic Freedom
Unless there is a radical change in messaging and actions on the part of the Employer in the meantime, we will be filing these grievances on Tuesday. We will keep you informed.
In solidarity,
Bob Davis,
Diane Walsh,
Raphael Lagoutin,
Mark Diotte,
Romy Kozak,
Betty Cunnin