Polytechnique Montreal Memorial on December 6

Circulated on Behalf of KFA Status of Women Representative, Cherylynn Bassani

Hello Everyone,  

The Kwantlen Faculty Association warmly welcomes you to attend a Memorial tomorrow, Tuesday, December 6, on the Cloverdale KPU Campus from 12 noon to 12:30 pm to pay respect to the 14 women who lost their lives, and to all who have experienced gender based violence. We will meet outside in the courtyard where the rainbow sidewalk is housed (direct access through inside doors of student commons/lunch area). Please dress warmly!  

We come together to remember the 14 women’s lives that were taken December 6, 1989, on the Montreal Polytechnic Campus. Since this time, the Canadian government has pledged to aid in the reduction of violence against women and special days have been designated to remember and reflect. Tomorrow is one of these days and was passed as The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in 1991 … but truly little has changed in our society in 30 years 1.  

  • One in four women are still estimated to experience gender-based violence in their life.  
  • Over a three-year period (2019-2021) official records show a 26% increase in the number of women killed by violence.
  • Intersections of inequality matter, as women who are -disabled, Indigenous, racialized, trans, non binary and homeless or underhoused experience higher incidence of violence 2

Whether you attend the Memorial tomorrow at KPU or elsewhere 3 please ponder gender based violence, as it is happening on our campuses, in our neighbourhoods and in our communities. In 2023 I will be organizing a series of events at KPU surrounding gender based violence. If you are interested in speaking at an event or helping to organize, kindly email me.  

In Solidarity, working towards a kinder society, where hatred of others is no longer tolerated.  


Status of Women Representative, Kwantlen Polytechnic University  
