Season’s Greetings!

Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,

Season’s Greetings! I’m sure you are looking forward to a well-deserved break in your busy schedules and to spending time with family and friends during the holidays.

As 2018 draws to a close, it seems an opportune time to reflect on the work YourKFA has been doing over the past year. In addition to our necessarily persistent efforts to uphold all aspects of the Collective Agreement, two notable highlights come to mind. One is our successful push back on the over enrollment of Arts and Business courses in the summer semester. Recognizing that increasing class size registration limits violated the terms of our Agreement, the Employer ceased and desisted from repeating this practice, and we are now engaged in discussions about appropriate compensation for faculty members affects. Another highlight was the addition of the Decolonization, Reconciliation and Indigenization Committee (DRIC) to our Association structure and the inclusion of the DRIC chair as a voting member of the KFA Executive. We look forward to the important work this committee will be embarking on to help foster a truth-based, right relationship with the Indigenous peoples on whose traditional territories we live and work.

Looking ahead to 2019, preparations have already begun in support of bargaining a new collective agreement, as well as our continued advocacy and support for all of our members.

The KFA office will close as of noon Friday, December 21st and reopen on Tuesday, January 2. If you require assistance during this closure, please email any of the Table Officers. We will be checking email intermittently over the holidays.



On behalf of the KFA Executive and staff we would like to wish all of you a happy holiday season and the very best in 2019.  

Warmest regards,

Raphael, Kyla, Amy, Romy, Diane, Suzanne, and Bob.

