NWDLC Day of Mourning on April 28, 2021
Circulated on behalf of NWDLC
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
It has been more than a year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic which has impacted every part of our lives and our work. From workers on the frontline of the pandemic, new protocols including masks and sanitizers in the workplace, to the stress of job loss, mental health impacts and isolation, and the rise in domestic and intimate partner violence this has been a year like no other for health and safety.
Since 1984, when the Canadian Labour Congress initiated April 28th as the Day of Mourning, we have gathered each year to remember those killed or seriously injured in the workplace and to re-dedicate ourselves to making workplaces safer. Each year we highlight a specific workplace health and safety issue or theme and share the work being done by the labour movement to make workplaces safer, fairer and healthier for all workers. This year as we mark the second Day of Mourning to take place during the COVID-19 pandemic we will take time to remember every work killed or injured by COVID-19 in the workplace and every worker and family impacted by the pandemic both at work and at home.
This Day of Mourning coincides with the New Westminster & District Labour Council regular meeting date and we will use this opportunity to gather virtually and in solidarity. ln lieu of our regular guest speaker the Executive Board, delegates, local leaders, union members and guests will take the first 20 minutes of our regular meeting in a short virtual ceremony to mark the Day of Mourning. We invite you and your members to join us to mark the Day of Mourning on Wednesday April 28,2021at 7:00pm.
Registration for the ceremony can be found here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckdeGgqjwiEtdxYjZanx4gNInnukbHAnz1
Participants are welcome to stay for our regular meeting or to leave after the ceremony concludes.
Wishing you, your members and their families health, safety and peace in these challenging times.
ln Solidarity,
Janet Andrews
New Westminster and District Labour Council