Panel: Unequal Women in BC and the Path to Recovery


— Circulated on behalf of Unite Here! Local 40 —

PANEL: Unequal Women in BC and the Path to Recovery
When: April 1, 6:00-7:30 PM PST
Where: Zoom Webinar
Register here:

International Women’s Day may have passed, but the struggle for gender equality hasn’t. 2020 saw a steep rise in layoffs and firings of women across British Columbia as the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the systemic inequities facing women and people of colour. Women in BC’s hotel industry were hit especially hard, with almost 95% of the workforce being laid off. As we chart the path to recovery in 2021, how can we ensure that women return to their pre-pandemic jobs and livelihoods? For industries where women of colour make up the majority, such as tourism and hospitality, what is our role as activists and community members to support laid-off and fired workers?

Join us for an exciting panel on these questions and more! UNITE HERE Local 40 will be facilitating a discussion around the disproportionate impact the pandemic has had on working women, particularly racialized women in the hotel industry. We will also discuss what a more just and equitable future would look like for women.


Vancouver and District Labour Council

