Labour Day Message from Your KFA

Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association members,

Your KFA Table Officers would like to wish you a happy Labour Day long weekend!

Labour Day has been a statutory holiday in Canada since 1894 and originates in the 1872 Toronto printers’ fight for a nine-hour work day. The Toronto printers’ strike was ultimately successful in achieving the nine-hour work day, and those events led to the Trade Unions Act of 1872 which made it legal to belong to a trade union. Since that time, local, provincial, and national solidarity has led to improved working conditions for unionized and non-unionized workplaces alike—improvements such as minimum wage, sick leave, maternity and parental leave, and the right to a safe work environment.

For the Kwantlen Faculty Association, Local 5 of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC, provincial solidarity has led to improved working conditions in areas such as regularization, salary increases, and professional development. FPSE’s Labour Day message, this year a joint undertaking with other unions, can found here.

To mark Labour Day 2021, the Vancouver and District Labour Council and New Westminster and District Labour Council are hosting the second annual Elsie Awards. The Elsie Awards recognize the efforts of workers whose tireless dedication and labour has carried us through the pandemic. Categories include Awesome Union Activist, Dedicated Front Line Worker, Outstanding Shop Steward and Caring Community Activist. Special guests will also attend, and the event begins at 11:00AM on Monday, September 6th.

A link to the virtual event will be posted on the VDLC website and social media accounts of both Labour Councils closer to the date.

A comprehensive listing of Labour Day events across Canada can be found through the Canadian Labour Congress website.

As we begin another semester under challenging conditions, your union is here to support you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your KFA representatives. News, resources, and contact information can be found on our website


In solidarity,

Gillian Dearle, President

Diane Walsh, VP Grievances

Mark Diotte, VP Negotiations

Betty Cunnin, Member-at-Large

Rachelle Hollaway, Member-at-Large

Emma Baggott, Secretary Treasurer
