Message to All KFA Members, from the KFA Political Action Committee

Good afternoon,

Please support our faculty representatives to the KPU Board of Governors, Farhad Dastur and Marc Kampschuur, by adding your voice to the messages Farhad and Marc will carry forward to the Board.

This is a crucial moment for us here at KPU. Faculty members are largely being excluded from decisions that will impact all of us, and we must be heard.  

Significant changes are being enacted, changes that will reduce the breadth of the University as well as access to the University. This coming year would see over 2% reduction in sections, and the coming four years would see a further 6% cut, 1.5% each year.

We do not know what programs will be targeted in those cuts. We need to speak up and speak clearly now!

In the interest of being helpful and perhaps saving people time and energy, here are some points you may wish to incorporate. Certainly you should feel free to use them, or say whatever else you like.

(NB: The figures here, and those in the previous KFA communications, are all drawn from the proposed KPU budget. An external data analyst aided the KFA in analyzing the budget figures for employee groups.)  

  • This budget is built on cuts to faculty and programs, cuts being made without adequate consultation with faculty. University policy for making changes to programs is being disregarded.
  • Furthermore, the cuts being made to faculty and to programs are being made under the guise of fiscal sustainability, yet there are substantial increases in administrative salary.
  • There is substantial growth in administrative salary over the last two fiscal years into the next fiscal year. Surely if there is a financial crisis, there should be a net cut in administrative salary? But there is not.
  • The net growth in administrative salary from the fiscal 17/18 year to the current proposed budget is over five million dollars, $5,722,738. This is more that 38% growth in administrator salary over those fiscal years, 38.57% to be exact. The growth in administrative salary from last fiscal to the current proposed budget is $1 718 800, 9.12% year over year.
  • The KPU president himself said in his most recent budget update that administrators are projecting “gentle growth” in revenues. Yet, faculty members must be cut? Because there is a fiscal crisis?
  • This is not a “scarcity” budget, except for faculty members and programs. The only employee group at KPU seeing a reduction is faculty. And over the coming years, faculty will be cut more.

Please express your thoughts and comments in writing to Farhad and Marc by or before this Friday: and

In solidarity,

The KFA Political Action Committee
