Notice of Amendments to the KFA Constitution and By-Laws

Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,

In accordance with By-Law 4.4.1, this is notice of changes for By-Law #7.8.1, and Policy #20:


7.8.1 Newly elected Table Officers will ordinarily take office on May September 1st, except in the event of replacement appointments. The President shall coordinate the transition process between incoming and outgoing Table Officers to allow for equitable access to vacation and professional development. When there is a newly-elected Table Officer any decision-making abilities of the out-going Table Officer are converted into consensus-based decisions of the Table Officers.

7.8.2 Vacation and PD allotments for the period spent as a KFA Table Officer shall not be funded as additional release by the KFA beyond the end of an elected term.

7.8.3 All vacation and PD allotments shall be taken or assumed to have been taken by the end of a Table Officer’s elected term.

7.8.4 Newly elected Area Representatives, Committee Representatives and Ombudsperson will ordinarily take office on June 1st, allowing a transition period with the outgoing.


For information:


Guidelines to Collect Strike Pay:

Faculty members covered by this Agreement shall have the right to refuse to cross a legal picket line arising out of a strike as defined in the Labour Relations Code of B.C. or in the Canada Labour Code.

KFA members who experience a financial loss as a result of a lockout by the Employer, or from the refusal to cross a legal picket line at KPU arising out a strike as defined in the Labour Relations Code of B.C. or in the Canada Labour Code, may collect one day of strike pay for each picket duty shift they complete to a maximum of 5 shifts per week. A picket duty shift may include job-action related duties such as mailings, phone calls, picket-making, strike-pay distribution, and so forth. It is the responsibility of the member to sign in and out with the picket captain. If a member is unable to participate in picket duty, she or he they can contribute in other ways. Please contact your picket captain if this applies to you.

MOTION: To approve the changes to By-Law #7.8.1, and Policy #20, as recommended by the Executive.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Marc Kampschuur, Vice-President,

Officer Responsible for the Election
