Notice of Amendments to the KFA Constitution and By-Laws
Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,
In accordance with By-Law 3.4.1, this is notice of changes for By-Laws #4.1.3, #5.6. #5.6.1, #5.6.2, #7.0, #7.3, #
Proposed wording changes for By-Law #4.1.3
4.1.3 Executive Representatives, to be elected by, and representative of, the following faculty groups:
- Science/Applied Science Studies/Horticulture
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Business
- School of Design
- Faculty of Health
- Trades/Technology
- Learner Support/Co-op
- Qualifying Studies and Access
- Non-Regular Faculty
- Status of Women
- Decolonization, Reconciliation & Indigenization (elected at large)
Proposed wording changes for By-Law #5.6, #5.6.1, and #5.6.2
5.6 Members-at-Large
5.6.1 One or more The Members-at-Large is anare independent elected Table Officers of the Association who assists the President, Vice-President—Grievance, Vice-President-Negotiations in carrying out their duties.
5.6.2 The duties and priorities of the Members-at-Large shall be determined by the Table Officers.
Proposed wording changes for By-Law #7
7.0 Election of Table Officers shall be at large and for two-year terms. The President and Vice-President-Negotiations shall be elected to take office in an alternate year from the Vice-President—Grievances, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Member-at-Large. Vice-President – Grievances, the Secretary-Treasurer, and one Member-at-Large shall be elected to take office in an alternate year from the President, Vice-President – Negotiations, and additional Member-at-Large (if applicable).
Proposed wording changes for By-Law #7.3
7.3 The Executive Representatives shall be elected by their constituencies for a two (2) year term with fifty percent (50%) to be elected in alternate years. The following positions shall be elected in even-numbered years: Science/Applied Science Studies and Horticulture, Business, Faculty of Health, School of Design, Status of Women, and Non-Regular. The following positions shall be elected in odd-numbered years: Humanities, Trades and Technology, Social Sciences, Qualifying Studies and Access, Learner Support/Co-op., and Decolonization, Reconciliation & Indigenization (elected at large).
Proposed wording changes for By-Law # One Non-Regular Faculty Representative to be elected at a General Meeting or by electronic ballot, by, and to be representative of all non-regular faculty, at least six (6) months prior to the expiry date of the Collective Agreement. This Representative may be referred to as “WCC Non-Regular Representative” as distinct from the “Executive Non-Regular Representative” defined elsewhere in the By-Laws.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Raphael Lagoutin, Vice-President, Negotiations
Officer Responsible for the Election