Regarding the Employer’s Notice of Technological Change: Micro-Credentials and Micro Courses

Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,

Today you were sent a notice of Technological Change from the Employer regarding micro-credentials and micro courses.

I writing to inform you that the notice you received does not constitute a definitive view of faculty workload or reflect how workload is defined in the Collective Agreement. I want to assure you that your KFA Table Officers will ensure the implementation of micro-credentials meets the terms of the Collective Agreement and will not result in an increased workload for faculty.

KFA Table Officers will be meeting with the Employer to discuss faculty workload, working conditions, and the full application of Article 6 for the implementation of micro-credentials and micro courses, and we will inform you of the outcome of those discussions.

In solidarity,

Gillian Dearle

President, Kwantlen Faculty Association
