Seasons Greetings and KFA Office Holiday Closure
Dear Kwantlen Faculty Association Members,
Season’s Greetings! We hope this message finds you and yours safe and well.
At the close of 2024, we would like to thank you for your exemplary dedication to our students and the KPU community.
We also wish to thank all of our colleagues, especially those on the Executive and other KFA committees, who volunteer on behalf of the association and our membership all year long as well as our support staff, Kyla Meermann and Amy Nagi, who do extraordinary work to support the KFA Executive and membership.
As always, if you are interested in volunteering for a position or in becoming involved with the KFA, you are very welcome to reach out.
Please Note
The KFA office is closed as of Wednesday, December 18th, and will reopen on Monday, January 6th. If you require urgent assistance during this closure, please email any of the Table Officers. We will be checking email intermittently over the holidays.
Happy Holidays!
Wishing you a restorative break,
Your KFA Table Officers
Mark Diotte, KFA President
Diane Walsh, VP Grievances
Marc Kampschuur, VP Negotiations
Rachelle Hollaway, Member-at-Large
Ann-Marie McLellan, Member-at-Large
Jaisun Garcha, Secretary Treasurer